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Week 5 Integration Essay 2-Assessment

Week 5 Integration Essay 2-Assessment

Q PROMPT: The Bishops’ position on human trafficking states, “Human trafficking will never be truly defeated without eliminating the consumerism that feeds it and prosecuting those actors in receiving countries, including our own, that benefit because of the exploitation of vulnerable human beings. …” What does consumerism have to do with human trafficking? (2 paragraphs) What causes people to become vulnerable and exploited by traffickers? (2 paragraphs) Why is human trafficking a local and a global problem that violates human rights? (1-2 paragraphs). Be sure to use examples from the documentary, Not My Life and the interview with our local End Trafficking Cincinnati guest speakers. Proofread your essay before submitting. Instructions for Submission of essay: Create responses to the questions in one Word Document. (Do not create one document for each question of the weekly written assignment.) Follow the directions provided at the first item under "Assignment Submission" located at the top of this page. Assignment due: Friday at 11:59pm

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Human trafficking has grown as an industry because of the ways in which there have been consumers showing desires to have sexual intercourse with young girls. The most entertaining part for consumers is that tourists and local customers want to have sex with new girls all the time. There lies the aspect of perversion of the consumers. Consumerism encourages sex and labor traffickers to try to bring new faces to the sex and labor markets. In the film Not My Life, the witnesses had confirmed that young girls and new faces had been the attractive element in the sex trafficking industry (